
Kyer Family

June 21, 2018

I would like to thank the WCMTS board for the bursary offered to my son Ryan Kyer and everyone involved with the Empowering Steps Movement Therapy Program.

Ryan has been attending Movement Therapy classes at Club Aviva twice a week for the past 5 years as well as several of the summer week long sessions.

Michelle Stowell

June 23, 2017

I am a single parent of an amazing child with special needs. My son has low muscle tone, mobility and balance issue, is afraid or I should say was afraid to walk up a step; among many other...

Cerebral Palsy Association of British Columbia

June 21, 2017

Two years ago, Nadia Ulanowska wasn’t able to walk without a walker. Now, the 10-year-old Burnaby resident has perfected a seat drop on the trampoline. Nadia’s cerebral palsy, which is known as spastic diplegia, affects both of her legs. Thanks to the Cerebral Palsy Association of British Columbia’s (CPABC) Campership program, Nadia has had the opportunity to participate in Club Aviva Empowering Steps Movement Therapy summer camp in Coquitlam since 2011.

Carrier Family

November 26, 2015

This has been a truly life changing experience and is THE only place both of my children will come without exception, hesitation, anxiety or aversion due to multiple sensory factors such as noise or the feeling of clothes or possibility of a staff change. 

Mullally Family

November 24, 2015

Our son Fremont is SO delighted with his swimming lessons.  On Monday, he is SO excited for Tuesday.  He also plays basketball (loves it) and soccer (really enjoys that too), but it all seems to pale compared to how excited he is about swimming.  He's always been a pretty compliant kid, but prior to ESMT, swimming was something we'd do with him sporadically and he was never really too happy about going. 


The Taylor Family

October 19, 2013

Our son looks forward to his weekly movement therapy and swim sessions and adores his therapists. Since attending the sessions, his confidence has greatly increased not only during his exercises during his session but has carried over to other various aspects in life. He is now able to do many motor skill activities he was not able to do prior to attending movement therapy. We are extremely pleased with the progress and skills he has gained and accomplished in this program.

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